"Great interview! Great guy! Thanks for bringing Jason Kelly into the limelight. I enjoyed all the article and have passed it along to several friends.
Well done!" —Lynn
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What our Sunday morning subscribers are saying about OTL
Here are a few of our most recent comments from OTL subscribers. These are the people who get our regular installments in their inbox just in time to pour that first lesiure cup of Sunday morning coffee. We do it that way on purpose since for most people, that's the best time to settle in for a good read. Of course it doesn't quite work out that way for our readers in Japan and Hawaii...
"Great interview! Great guy! Thanks for bringing Jason Kelly into the limelight. I enjoyed all the article and have passed it along to several friends.
Well done!" —Lynn
"This [David Limrite] was a really great interview! Keep up the terrific work you two are doing!" —Donald
"Thanks for another interesting article. Honestly, I would rather just write and let the promotion take care of itself, but this isn't realistic, and it is good to be reminded of strategies I can take to promote my novels. I appreciate your work in making the creative life an everyday part of life." —Lynn
"I really liked the piece about Gavilan/Sandy's Cafe...you gave readers a real sense of the place and the people. I could almost smell the food!" —Cathleen
"I live for Sunday morning! Seriously. Thank you." —Lisa
"What a great way to begin the day, reading the Nicole Rushin interview! It is very encouraging, inspiring and REAL. I enjoyed hearing how Nicole has taken several paths on her journey to the Now. What path we think we are currently experiencing can be very different than the revelations we receive down the road about why and how that path brought us to where we are now and where we think we are headed.
Loved the article—thank you!" —Jane
"Larry's a hoot. I've dated girls that wore wilder high heels than that, tho..." —Martin
"I'm really looking forward to all the great articles, interviews, etc. I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far. What a great idea..." —Jane
"REALLY enjoyed my Sunday morning read. You are onto something!" —Lisa
"I want my OTL!" —Larry
"Maple pork sausage with sliced orange peppers sprinkled with blueberries, 2 over-easy eggs, multi-grain toast, hot Sumatra in my french press, and my Sunday OTL...perfect start to the rest of my day. Thanks guys." —Jenny
"This is fantastic! Such a blast to read everything. KUDOS!!!! Want you two to know that we're 100% supportive of everything you do. You two are power houses." —Lisa
"Wow, you guys! Beautifully written!" —Amy
"Your OTL article was fantastic today!...I will use it in future workshops...Clear, concise, compelling writing!" —Ronda